Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cowboy Festival

If you weren't up for a 2 hour drive north last weekend to attend the Cowboy Festival in Santa Clarita, no worries, I have pics to share!

The 15th Annual event was held at Melody Ranch Studios, April 23-27th.

I have to say, there were a lot of brave men and women there, all dressed up in authentic western attire, in spite of the 90-some degree heat! Made me appreciate the old cowboy way even more!

To view the Photos, Click Here!


For those of you who know Barbara & her horse, Monie, at Tar Farms...guess who painted the above portrait of Vincent? Her mother, Ruth. She is going to be 93 years old in June. She is a very active lady, not to mention, very talented too!

Awhile back, when Barbara started training with Vincent, he passed along the photo above to her. I took this photo just over a year ago in Norco of Vincent on Kui.

Little did we know, a year later, Barbara's mother was going to surprise him with a portrait of him that she painted on a beautiful canvas! Now technically, since it is my horse, we'll have to share it...just kidding Vincent!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"Bug Off"

For those of you who don't know, I have a Mustang mare named Kui.
Not only does she have a terrific sense of humor, she has a "great eye" for fashion...

This year, she's got her eyes on the flies.

If you like this fly mask & want to see more like it, check out this website...

Catch Your Eye Designs.

Not only do they have other designs, they're made to last!