Sunday, May 13, 2007

A "Picture Perfect" Day!

Thank you to all the Western University 2007 DVM Graduates who participated in last Wednesday's pet sitting event! It was an honor to spend the day with all of you and your wonderful companions! What a treat to have met each and every one of you, and to know that all of our equines and pets have such a terrific group of new veterinarians to help take care of our furry friends in the future!

A special thank you to Donna, my assistant for the day! As I'm going through all of the photos right now, I see a lot of happy faces, thanks to you in getting everyone to smile! Thank you so much for all of your help and your enthusiasm! Roxy and Keeper are 2 of the luckiest dogs I know:-)

Thank you Kathleen, for managing to schedule everyone, and recruiting Donna!

And thank you to Merial! What a privilege and what fun!!! I hope to be invited back to do the same for the 2008 class!

Hang tight...all of the photos will be up by tomorrow morning!