Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fiesta of the Spanish Horse Show

Finally! I have pics loaded that I took May 3rd, at The Festival of the Spanish Horse in Burbank, CA at the L.A. Equestrian Center.

The horses were Amazing, as well as the music and all of the terrific costumes!

Since I was pretty far away from the action when the show began, sitting high in the stands under the covered arena, I didn't think any of the photos would turn out, but there were a few worth showing in case you've never been able to attend this event. Hey, it never hurts to "give it a shot"!

Click Here to See the Photos!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Equine Photographer's Contest Results!

After all was said and done, 2 of the images I submitted to the Equine Photographer's Photo Contest, shown above, placed in the top 10 in their respective categories, yee haw!

"Katie & Buzz" were awarded Honorable Mention in the Professional Horse & Humans division.
"Mane Horizon" came in 6th place in the Professional Details division.

"Hundreds of entries representing 10 countries and 41 states were entered. Professional and Amateur division winners were awarded first through 10th place in seven categories."

For those of you who voted for the People's Choice award, here is a link to view the Winners!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cowboy Festival

If you weren't up for a 2 hour drive north last weekend to attend the Cowboy Festival in Santa Clarita, no worries, I have pics to share!

The 15th Annual event was held at Melody Ranch Studios, April 23-27th.

I have to say, there were a lot of brave men and women there, all dressed up in authentic western attire, in spite of the 90-some degree heat! Made me appreciate the old cowboy way even more!

To view the Photos, Click Here!


For those of you who know Barbara & her horse, Monie, at Tar Farms...guess who painted the above portrait of Vincent? Her mother, Ruth. She is going to be 93 years old in June. She is a very active lady, not to mention, very talented too!

Awhile back, when Barbara started training with Vincent, he passed along the photo above to her. I took this photo just over a year ago in Norco of Vincent on Kui.

Little did we know, a year later, Barbara's mother was going to surprise him with a portrait of him that she painted on a beautiful canvas! Now technically, since it is my horse, we'll have to share it...just kidding Vincent!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"Bug Off"

For those of you who don't know, I have a Mustang mare named Kui.
Not only does she have a terrific sense of humor, she has a "great eye" for fashion...

This year, she's got her eyes on the flies.

If you like this fly mask & want to see more like it, check out this website...

Catch Your Eye Designs.

Not only do they have other designs, they're made to last!

Monday, March 31, 2008

2008 Swallows' Day Parade

After driving from one end of San Juan to the other, and finding a last minute parking spot, I finally arrived and quickly made my way to the end of the route, at the intersection of La Zanja and Camino Capistrano to photograph the 50th Annual Swallows' Day Parade last Saturday!

Since all of the entries were coming straight at me, and the streets heading into town were packed, I stayed there for the duration of the event and took as many photos as I could. It was so colorful and impressive! Those folks in San Juan really know how to do it up right!

To view photos, Click Here!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

New Proof Books Available!

New Options for Proofs are Now Available for all events, 2006 through 2008!

Choose from either 4x6 or 5x7 size proofs, printed on lustre (matte) photo paper, either loose or spiral bound! Each proof will have a signature on it, similar to the signature that you see on all of the photos on the new photo browser website.

All images in your event are included. (If you want to pick & choose images, please see Photobooks for more information!)

There must be a minimum of 44 photos in your event to order a 4x6 proof book, and 30 photos in your event for a 5x7 proof book.

Price for a 4x6 proof book (loose prints or spiral bound) is $ .95 per image. Price for a 5x7 proof book (loose prints or spiral bound) is $1.25 per image.

Simply email jode@hoofnpawsimages.com or call me at (949) 257-6246, if you would like to order one today!

These are real handy to take with you to share your photos with others who may not have access to the internet, and to have all of your images in print as a keepsake!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Photo Browser & Spring Cleaning SALE!

A New Look! From now on all photos will be loaded to the New Photo Browser Site shown above! There are MANY terrific features on this site, including...
  • a much larger view of photos,
  • black & white and sepia previews,
  • a cropping feature to preview different size prints,
  • the ability to save items to your cart and return at a later date to check out,
  • a New Gift Store,
  • the ability to add notes to your orders before checking out,
  • pay for orders by credit card or, simply send your payment in the mail noting your order number!

Which means...ALL EVENTS on the old photo browser site WILL BE REMOVED & NO LONGER VIEWABLE BEGINNING MARCH 31st.

From Now thru March 30th, enjoy a 20% OFF DISCOUNT on all online products on that site as part of the "Spring Cleaning SALE"!

NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT place orders online on the old site. Simply email your order to jode@hoofnpawsimages.com, or fax your order to (949) 226-7412, or call your order in to me at (949) 257-6246. You can pay with a credit card, or by check.

You can also request to have your event moved over to the new site!

Now "Let's get back in the saddle" & check out some recent pics taken at the Equine Affaire in Pomona, CA on the New Photo Browser!!!

Happy Trails Everyone!

Monday, January 28, 2008

New Gifts Available

Valentine's Day Gifts!
Whether for your sweety or your barn buddy, now or anytime during the year, there are new gifts available including Photo Crystals, Tile Keepsake Boxes, Woven Blankets and Custom Stall Signs!
Check out the GIFTS page at www.hoofnpawsimages.com