Wednesday, August 22, 2007

40% Off Coupon & Retouching Services

If you haven't already received this coupon in the mail and could use a new picture frame, click here to see and print a 40% Off Coupon to Aaron Brothers!

This coupon is good through August 26th, Sunday.

To receive notices of special offers specific to Hoof-n-Paws Images, be sure to subscribe to this blog! I'll be posting NEW SPECIALS in the next few weeks, through the end of the year! You won't want to miss them!
What exactly are "Retouching Services", you ask?
If you have any photos in your event where you love your horse or pet, and yourself, but the background is too distracting, consider having it retouched. Take a look at the Before and After sample photos of Ike, the young Palamino, above. Now here is a case where the background is too busy. One possibility is to blur the background to emphasize the subject. In this case, I blurred it to the extreme to exaggerate the Before and After for you.
If you've already had your sitting, review your photos to see if this might help turn one of your favorite shots that didn't initially "make the cut" due to the background, and consider having it retouched!

Monday, August 13, 2007


The San Juan Capistrano Equestrian Coalition is hosting their 5th Annual Barn Dance & Equestrian Fair at Sycamore Stables in San Juan on AUGUST 18th at 6PM. If you live in Orange County, or compete regularly at Blenheim, or use the trails here, PLEASE attend this very important event as THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO HAS PURCHASED A TABLE for the FIRST TIME EVER and WE NEED TO SHOW THEM HOW MANY EQUESTRIAN ENTHUSIASTS there are in San Juan!!!!!!!
Click Here for a Barn Dance Flyer!
2 For 1 Deal on an 8x10 Print of Your Choice*
Print this page out & come visit me at my booth! This offer is good for 14 days after the Barn Dance! You MUST turn a copy of this page into me at the dance to take advantage of this offer!
*Offer good for lustre or glossy prints only. One per person. Price for all 8x10's, no matter what event it is in, is $19.99 (plus $2.50 if they need to be mailed). Orders need to be placed and paid for by September 1st. The 2nd 8x10 can be a different image!

See Y'all this Saturday night!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Barbara & Bruno

Here is a picture from a recent sitting taken of Bruno, a beautiful Thoroughbred, at Rancho Sierra Vista. His proud owner, Barbara, wasn't thrilled about being in the photos but I managed to talk her into it over the phone before we met:-) I'm glad I did, they were so darling together!

Thank you Barbara, for introducing me to some of your family! I had a terrific time with all of you! Especially watching the "Rippin' Wally Show" at the end! Where did that come from!? Too funny!!!

Also, thank you Liz Heinrich, for introducing me to such a wonderful pair! Including her daughter, Brianna, and their English Lab, Wally, too!

To see their photos click HERE!