Tuesday, December 11, 2007

10 Days Left on 50% Off Print Sale!


Wallets (set of 8), 4x6, 5x7, 8x10, 11x14, 16x20 and 30x40. Matte or Glossy Only. Color or, Black & White and Sepia, at no additional charge!
  • Up to 5 Prints: 30% Off!
  • 5 or More Prints: 50% Off!

Orders can consist of different size prints and completely different images!

Orders and Payments must be Received by Friday, Dec 21st, 2007!

Note: Events in 2006 have different prices shown online. Print Sale discounts are good for Current 2007 Print Prices Only.

For more information or to order, call me at (949) 257-6246, or email me jode@hoofnpawsimages.com.

For those who want to give a loved one a timeless gift,

Gift Certificates

are available too!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Order a Photobook, Receive a FREE 8x10 Print!

Order a Photobook, size 8x8 or larger,
receive a FREE 8x10 PRINT*
Order a 5x7 Photobook and receive a FREE 5x7 PRINT*!

*Offer is good for Matte or Glossy Prints Only.
Color, Black and White, & Sepia, no extra charge!
Photobooks make the Perfect Gift Year Round for your family and friends!
Choose between several styles and sizes, choose the photos to be included, as well as the color of your book and, create your own personal title!
If you have too many photos to choose from in your event, this is the perfect way to collect between 20 and 50 of your images to display in a book of your very own, making a wonderful keepsake for years to come, whether it be for yourself, or that special someone on your holiday gift list!
If you would like for them to choose their own photos to be included, Gift Certificates are available too!
Click Here to See All Photobooks Available!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

New Holiday Card Designs!

Tis the season!
  • Let's face it, it's never too early to start thinking about the holidays! Especially if you like to send photos of you and yours to everyone.

To make your holiday cards extra special this year, Custom Holiday Greeting Cards are available, using images from your event :-) And, you can add a personal greeting on the inside! You can even mix or match images, borders and greetings within you order! They do not all need to be the same exact card!

Click on the link for more information and to see the New 2007 Borders available!

To schedule a sitting, email jode@hoofnpawsimages.com or call (949) 257-6246. And soon, if you need images for holiday related cards or gifts such as, calendars, mugs, slideshows, posters, etc.!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

First Holiday Special!

Ok, here we go...the beginning of the Holiday Specials!

12 Month Calendars are now 25% Off the regular price thru November 30th!

Order a 2nd one (must be a duplicate calendar) and receive 35% Off the regular price.

Order a 3rd one (another duplicate) and receive 45% Off the regular price!

If you want multiple calendars that are not duplicate, you can use the 25% Off for all of them, there is NO LIMIT!

ORDERS MUST BE IN BY NOVEMBER 30th. This is a vendor discount that I am able to pass on. No extensions will be given on the date!

There are only a few dates left open for sittings this year if you need pictures for the holidays however, you know I'll do my best to squeeze you in elsewhere if need be!


Nov 18, Sunday
Nov 24, Saturday
Nov 25, Sunday
Dec 1, Saturday
Dec 2, Sunday

Feel free to call or email me to schedule your sitting soon! (949) 257-6246 or jode@hoofnpawsimages.com

Happy Hump Day Everyone!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

New Gifts Available!

Are you looking for new ways to display your favorite images, or to give as gifts to others or, to advertise your business with? Look no further! There are NEW GIFTS available online, just in time for the holidays! New items included are Wall Calendars, Postcards, Tiles, Tile Keepsake Boxes, Business Cards, Stall Signs and Bookmarks! All these are in addition to the following products available...Holiday Cards, Note Cards, Photo Books, Slideshow on DVD, 12 Month Calendars, Stamps, T-Shirts & the easiest gift to give of all...Gift Certificates!

There are still a few dates available for sittings in November! Please call soon to reserve your date if you need photos or gifts for the holidays! (949) 257-6246

Happy Weekend Everyone!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Sunset & Moon Rise Silhouettes

At the end of last month, I met a couple of good friends at the top of the hill across from Tar Farms to practice sunset and moon rise silhouette shots, including the two shown above. To see more, CLICK HERE!

Just for fun, for all of you at Tar Farms, can you guess who is in the photo above??? Put your thinking caps on! I can't think of 1 hint that wouldn't give these 2 away!

Happy Monday!


Monday, September 17, 2007

Fairplex Racing in Pomona, CA

I must admit, I'm not a big fan of horse racing, but I love to see them run! Here are a few photos that I took yesterday at the L.A. County Fair. And here is a link to more! Horse Racing Photos

I'll be posting more often again as the holidays approach! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

40% Off Coupon & Retouching Services

If you haven't already received this coupon in the mail and could use a new picture frame, click here to see and print a 40% Off Coupon to Aaron Brothers!

This coupon is good through August 26th, Sunday.

To receive notices of special offers specific to Hoof-n-Paws Images, be sure to subscribe to this blog! I'll be posting NEW SPECIALS in the next few weeks, through the end of the year! You won't want to miss them!
What exactly are "Retouching Services", you ask?
If you have any photos in your event where you love your horse or pet, and yourself, but the background is too distracting, consider having it retouched. Take a look at the Before and After sample photos of Ike, the young Palamino, above. Now here is a case where the background is too busy. One possibility is to blur the background to emphasize the subject. In this case, I blurred it to the extreme to exaggerate the Before and After for you.
If you've already had your sitting, review your photos to see if this might help turn one of your favorite shots that didn't initially "make the cut" due to the background, and consider having it retouched!

Monday, August 13, 2007


The San Juan Capistrano Equestrian Coalition is hosting their 5th Annual Barn Dance & Equestrian Fair at Sycamore Stables in San Juan on AUGUST 18th at 6PM. If you live in Orange County, or compete regularly at Blenheim, or use the trails here, PLEASE attend this very important event as THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO HAS PURCHASED A TABLE for the FIRST TIME EVER and WE NEED TO SHOW THEM HOW MANY EQUESTRIAN ENTHUSIASTS there are in San Juan!!!!!!!
Click Here for a Barn Dance Flyer!
2 For 1 Deal on an 8x10 Print of Your Choice*
Print this page out & come visit me at my booth! This offer is good for 14 days after the Barn Dance! You MUST turn a copy of this page into me at the dance to take advantage of this offer!
*Offer good for lustre or glossy prints only. One per person. Price for all 8x10's, no matter what event it is in, is $19.99 (plus $2.50 if they need to be mailed). Orders need to be placed and paid for by September 1st. The 2nd 8x10 can be a different image!

See Y'all this Saturday night!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Barbara & Bruno

Here is a picture from a recent sitting taken of Bruno, a beautiful Thoroughbred, at Rancho Sierra Vista. His proud owner, Barbara, wasn't thrilled about being in the photos but I managed to talk her into it over the phone before we met:-) I'm glad I did, they were so darling together!

Thank you Barbara, for introducing me to some of your family! I had a terrific time with all of you! Especially watching the "Rippin' Wally Show" at the end! Where did that come from!? Too funny!!!

Also, thank you Liz Heinrich, for introducing me to such a wonderful pair! Including her daughter, Brianna, and their English Lab, Wally, too!

To see their photos click HERE!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Baja Places 3rd!

Have you seen the latest issue of Ride! magazine? You can find it locally at American Horse Products in Laguna Niguel, CA. Note: As of August 1st, they will be located in San Juan Capistrano, CA.

If you get your hands on a copy, page through to the Ride! 2007 Foal Photo Contest section. Our very own Tar Farms foal, Baja, came in 3rd Place! A born competitor! He wasn't even 3 months old yet, he entered a contest, and placed!

Let's hear it for Baja!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Roger & Sleepy, Good Ole Boys

As you can see, Roger & Sleepy are good friends.

I have to say, "Thank you, Roger!" for your patience, as we took these pictures July 5th and he's been waiting to see them ever since!

As for our sitting, I have one complaint about my time spent with Roger, Sleepy, and their helpers, Freddie & Jane...my cheeks are still sore from laughing so hard! I'm not sure what was funnier...Freddie & Jane 4x4-ing through bushes at the park, or hiring 2 little girls on the spot to race behind us screaming with their arms flailing to get Sleepy's attention, or Roger giving us a taste of his, "I'm too sexy for my horse" poses! Now that's a tough call!

There were so many great shots, I had a hard time narrowing them down. All of these were taken just a few hundred yards west of Tar Farms, which goes to show you just how great San Juan Capistrano is! Excellent job in staking out backgrounds Roger! Thank you for allowing me to capture you and Sleepy together in your home town.

Click Here to see Roger & Sleepy's Pics!

Monday, July 23, 2007

New Photo Books Available!

Can't decide on which prints to order from your event? No need to when you order a Photo Book! Choose between 5 different styles of photo books ranging from a small Brag Book to a large 12" x 12" Memory Book. All books have up to 20 pages. You choose the color of the cover, the style of the inside pages as well as the type of frame to have around your images! Choose between 16 and 50 of your favorite images to include from one or several events. Personalize yours by creating your own personal title to be printed on the first inside page, and on the cover for the 8" x 8" & 12" x 12" Memory Books!

Save money by not having to order individual prints and purchase frames or photo albums! It doesn't get much easier! These are wonderful keepsakes that will last you a lifetime! Click Here to see samples and download an Order Form.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

S.O.C.E. Trail Trial a Huge Success!

The above participant made this obstacle look easy as her horse didn't hestitate to step over the large log (for the Advanced Riders) at Station #4, called "Step Over" at Sunday's Trail Trial Event at O'Neill Regional Park in Trabuco.

As I watched & photographed riders come and go all morning long, I heard comments, such as..."What a terrific trail trial!", "This was THE BEST trail trial I've ever attended!", "What a great park to hold this event at!", "They did a great job in marking the course!", "The judges were all very clear and easy to understand.", "They're so organized!", etc. In other words, the South Orange County Equestrians group put on a First Class Event and made it look easy to do!

Whether you're a beginner or an advanced rider who enjoys any and all kinds of riding, if you're looking for a Fun, Safe, Top Notch group to be a part of, I highly recommend contacting this group! For more information on what they're all about and what they do, click HERE!

TO SEE PICTURES from Sunday's Trail Trial Event, click HERE!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

CSHA Trail Trial at O'Neill Regional Park

Perhaps you and your horse will be here, atop Vista Viewpoint next Sunday, July 15th?! If you want to test your trail riding skills and experience a beautiful ride through O'Neill Regional Park in Trabuco, CA, click on this link to learn more about the upcoming CSHA Sanctioned Trail Trail event that the South Orange County Equestrians (SOCE) group is putting on! Beginners and advanced are all welcome! Even I attempted the ride earlier today with Connie Burns, SOCE Event Coordinator, and Julie Donnelly, Member at Large, thanks to Julie's trusty mount, Chinook. My "faithful" Mustang, Kui, apparently wasn't in the mood for a trailer ride this morning and choose to stay back and "watch the fort" instead. She missed a great ride, my first time galloping (thanks, I think, Fancy & Chinook!) and a terrific lunch at the nearby Rose Canyon Cantina. If you're planning on entering, it's not too late as you can register the morning of the event! Be sure to smile when you see me and my camera on the trail and around a few obstacles, as I'll be photographing the event! The above sample collage will be available to order afterward in an 8x10 or larger with the images of your choice in them!

Good-luck to all participants! Have a safe and fun ride!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Barn Pics Events

Here's a terrific way to save money and HAVE FUN WITH YOUR FRIENDS. . .schedule a BARN PICS EVENT at your stable! Choose from 2 options; either a Mini Session (2 hrs) or a Half Day event (4 hrs). Mini Sessions require between 4 and 8 people to participate, while Half Day events require 8 to 16. Simply gather a group of your friends, call (949) 257-6246, or email to book an event at your location!

Now we all know it takes work to "round up the gang" so, for being the "rounder upper" & scheduling a Mini Session at your barn, you'll receive a FREE 8x10 Color Print & a Photo Mug! Round up 8 to 16 barn buddies, schedule a Half Day event and you'll receive a FREE 8x10 Print AND 5x7 Color Print, as well as a Set of Custom Notecards (12 to a pack)!

A $50 deposit is required to reserve your date! Hurry as the weekends are filling up fast & sittings have been scheduled out as far as October!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Summer Is Here...Obviously!

Are you ready for the beach??? This is a great time to think ahead for holiday pictures! The beach is a terrific place to have your sitting with your pets, as well, there are flowers everywhere right now, making for colorful backgrounds. And then there are our equine friends...one of the best times of the year to have their pictures taken is summer. Their coats are slick and shiny! Call to schedule your sitting soon as August, September and October are 90% booked already! See you at the beach!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

New Collages!

Would you like to combine several of your favorite photos into one?

Choose several images from your event to form a custom collage to remember your animal companions in a most special way or, use one to advertise your equine or canine related business with or, advertise your sale stock!

The possibilities are endless! Take a look at just a few samples HERE!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Foal Fever

We have another foal to drool over at Tar Farms, thanks to Mike Haack. And he's a beauty! A real poser and an awesome mover! If you haven't seen him, you must stop by! Check out the recent photos of him here! Tar Farms Foal Pics

Friday, May 18, 2007

Black Diamond Playday is a Hit!

Woo Wee, What a Show! The western gals put on a mock competition at Tar Farms on Wednesday, May 16th. For those of you who missed it, let's hope they put on another one in the near future! It was great to see our very own Black Diamond Reiners compete on our own home turf! Erlinda Sullivan organized the event, reserving the western arena for the day, bringing in a judge, having western music playing in the background, providing a PA system to announce the participants, prizes for the top finishers, and lunch for everyone afterwards. Who says these gals don't go all out?!

Check out their photos here... Black Diamond Playday Photos

They're a very talented group. We're lucky and proud to have such a great group of gals at our barn, Tar Farms in San Juan Capistrano. Way to go ladies!!! We're looking forward to the next Playday already!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

A "Picture Perfect" Day!

Thank you to all the Western University 2007 DVM Graduates who participated in last Wednesday's pet sitting event! It was an honor to spend the day with all of you and your wonderful companions! What a treat to have met each and every one of you, and to know that all of our equines and pets have such a terrific group of new veterinarians to help take care of our furry friends in the future!

A special thank you to Donna, my assistant for the day! As I'm going through all of the photos right now, I see a lot of happy faces, thanks to you in getting everyone to smile! Thank you so much for all of your help and your enthusiasm! Roxy and Keeper are 2 of the luckiest dogs I know:-)

Thank you Kathleen, for managing to schedule everyone, and recruiting Donna!

And thank you to Merial! What a privilege and what fun!!! I hope to be invited back to do the same for the 2008 class!

Hang tight...all of the photos will be up by tomorrow morning!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

WU DVM Shooting Location

Ok everyone! We'll be shooting in the park between your building and the Banfield building on Wednesday. Hopefully, this will make it convenient for everybody! I'll be giving a packet to each one of you after your session with instructions in it as to where to go to view your photos! They should be online and ready to view no later than May 14th, Monday morning!

Remember to bring your completed forms with you. I'll have extras on hand for anyone who forgets. If so, be sure to allow time to fill it out before your scheduled session so we can spend the entire time shooting.

Looks like it's going to be a hot and sunny day! We'll try to keep all of you out of the direct sun to keep everyone cool and happy, to bring out those big smiles!

Any questions, feel free to email of call me at (949) 257-6246 before Wednesday!

See you all then!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Summer is almost here!

Which means...it's graduation time! Thanks to Julie Ryan Johnson, DVM, I'll be taking photos next Wednesday of 52 newly graduated DVM's from Western University in Pomona, compliments of Merial (world leading animal health company)! Julie arranged for Merial to gift each of the graduates with a photo sitting with their pets, on campus, wearing their newly received White Coats. We'll be shooting from 8am to 6pm! Congratulations to all of you in advance!!!

I can hardly wait to meet all of the grads and their companions and to see what they consist of...I'm sure we'll see lots of cats and dogs, maybe some reptiles too??? Also, a big thank you to Kathleen Johnson for helping out and somehow managing to schedule everyone and recruit her neighbor, Donna, to assist us in getting the pet's attention while we shoot! Kathleen, you're a gem. I'm looking forward to being able to meet you and Donna, and thank you both in person soon!

I'll be heading up to Pomona tomorrow to scout the college grounds and pick a place out for us to meet. If anyone has any favorite spots on campus that you think would provide the perfect background, let me know!

Stay tuned...